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Find out if you have
leaky gut syndrome

Take control of leaky gut syndrome with this easy, at-home permeability test.

£150 for test, practitioner review & personal plan
or as low as £25 over 6 months

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Shop our Gut Test

I highly recommend using Healthpath to help you on your health journey and it’s my hope & prayer that anyone reading this is inspired to try Healthpath too.


I have been very impressed by Healthpath. So far I have managed to improve my condition plus it has open my eyes to a simple and easy way to get better.


Seeing positive results already. Healthpath's support is excellent. A lot of free support via blogs and info etc. Integrity and genuine care for the customer. Well pleased.


Want to test for leaky gut?

Our Ultimate Gut Health test not only looks for leaky gut, but bacterial imbalances, parasites, yeasts, H.pylori and over 100 biomarkers.

The Leaky Gut Test assesses intestinal permeability alone – this is helpful for people who suspect they have a leaky gut and simply want to confirm it.

However, it can be beneficial to get more extensive insight into your overall gut health.

If you have a leaky gut, you need to know what is contributing towards it, or if it is not a leaky gut causing your symptoms, what else could it be?

Our Ultimate Gut Health Test is a good way to find out, as our most comprehensive test.

Test for leaky gut and more with the Ultimate Gut Test


Array ( [id] => 6 [title] => Array ( [en] => Intestinal Permeability Profile ) [bundle_title] => [lab_reference] => [slug] => leaky-gut-test [featured_image] => products/leaky_gut_test_01_fyDwxrtel.png [product_sheet] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [path] => products_content/leaky_gut_sample_report_healthpath_pro_9wjEQZ7l1.pdf [originalName] => leaky_gut_sample_report_healthpath_pro.pdf [mime] => application/pdf ) ) [short_description] => Array ( [en] => Gain insight into whether you have intestinal permeability with our Leaky Gut Test. ) [long_description] => Array ( [en] =>

Our small intestine has a difficult job. It needs to let certain substances through its walls, but also needs to know when to keep things out (we call this 'selective permeability').

A healthy gut is selectively permeable. An unhealthy gut lets pathogens, undigested food and other unsavoury substances get into the bloodstream. This can lead to inflammation and a whole host of health problems.

For this test, you drink a sugary solution and then collect your urine for six hours afterwards. Through measuring the types of sugar that end up in your urine, we can determine if your gut is more permeable that it should be.  

Based on your results, you’ll receive targeted nutrition and lifestyle advice to enhance your gut integrity—and your health as a whole.

) [price] => 150.00 [original_price] => [sale_price] => [stock] => 999 [internal_stock] => 0 [product_type_id] => 2 [sale_end] => [status] => 0 [discontinued] => 0 [is_featured] => 0 [created_at] => 2018-11-20T15:48:28.000000Z [updated_at] => 2022-05-12T10:55:29.000000Z [deleted_at] => [order] => 9 [price_with_vat] => 150.00 [sale_price_with_vat] => 0.00 [vat] => 0 [price_without_vat] => 150.00 [type] => 1 [vendor_id] => 10 [quick_facts] => [alternate_title] => Here's reminder of what you get [daily_capsules] => [taken_for] => [instructions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [path] => products_content/leaky_gut_instructions_24819_vnbCfl2YI.pdf [originalName] => leaky_gut_instructions_24819.pdf [mime] => application/pdf ) ) [instructions_url] => [background_image] => products/hero_product_bg_ddziwblon_OkE3L2sHY.png [thumbnail_image] => products/kit_leaky_gut_g1fnm60up_55J3aIGGk.png [sku_legacy] => leaky [internal_sku] => [faq] => [wp_url] => [summary] =>

In a healthy person, your guts tightly control what can or can’t come through the intestinal wall. With this condition, the small intestine struggles to close the cell gaps. A lot of different substances come through the intestinal wall, which leads to inflammation - a precursor to all sorts of health conditions.

[prac_summary] => Leaky gut has been described as the gateway to disease, being able to test for this condition and get actionable insights is essential. [is_bundle] => [postage_fee] => 4.20 [vendor_fee] => 70.00 [dashboard_description] =>

Our test uses PEG (polyethylene glycol) and specialist ion exchange chromatography to investigate the presence of intestinal permeability. It helps to confirm if leaky gut is present, and is useful as either a stand-alone test or a follow up to monitor success after following nutritional protocols.

View sample report

Download instructions

[has_visual_result] => 0 [hubspot_id] => 75353322 [collection_center_email] => [external_id] => [external_vendor_id] => [external_vendor_name] => [amrita_external_id] => [external_meta] => [external_type] => [product_subtype_id] => [health_tags] => [warnings] => [ingredients] => [nutrients] => [allergies] => [storage] => [format] => [secondary_images] => [featured_in_images] => [p_supplier_product_id] => [p_supplier_title] => [p_quantity_type_value] => [p_sprinkle_yesno] => [p_vegetarian_yesno] => [p_certglutenfree_yesno] => [p_certvegetarian_yesno] => [p_sample_size] => [p_contains_additives] => [p_directions] => [p_milk_yesno] => [p_cerealgluten_yesno] => [p_wheat_yesno] => [p_soybeans_yesno] => [p_notexceed_yes] => [p_notifsealbroken_yes] => [p_keepoutchildren_yes] => [p_storecool_yesno] => [p_certgmp_yesno] => [p_additives] => [p_format_type_id] => [p_contains_sweeteners] => [p_sweeteners] => [symptoms] => Array ( [0] => Brain fog [1] => Acne [2] => Chronic fatigue [3] => Autoimmune disease [4] => Chronic inflammation [5] => Type 2 diabetes [6] => Liver disease [7] => Poor immunity [8] => Food sensitivities [9] => High alcohol intake [10] => Low fibre diet [11] => Chronic stress [12] => Chronic diarrhoea [13] => Bloating [14] => Fibromyalgia [15] => Nutritional deficiencies [16] => Psoriasis [17] => Mood imbalances [18] => Leaky gut condition ) [turnaround_time] => 10 working days [turnaround_days] => 10 [technology] => PEG ion exchange chromatography [sample_report] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [path] => products_content/leaky_gut_sample_report_healthpath_pro_NFpxeBpoS.pdf [originalName] => leaky_gut_sample_report_healthpath_pro.pdf [mime] => application/pdf ) ) [collection_method] => Urine [collection_method_option] => 2 [markers] => Intestinal Permeability Profile Polyethylene glycol (PEG 400) [how_it_works] => [steps] => Fast for three hours minimum Drink the PEG dose provided in the test kit Collect urine for the following six hours and take a sample using the bottle provided Send the sample to the lab, following the instructions Receive in-depth analysis about intestinal permeability [youtube_tutorial_link] => [vimeo_tutorial_link] => [practitioner_comment_autofill] =>


Congratulations on getting this far. I have reviewed your symptom survey and test results to create your personalised program.

Please read through my commentary below to understand more about your results.

The recommendations I've made will help the x, y, z symptoms, while dealing with any underlying imbalances, via food, lifestyle and supplement changes. 

Your results

Please find your Healthpath Leaky Gut Report attached, and the original results from the laboratory.

Even though these results are negative, I can create a beneficial program for you, based on your symptoms and history. It is designed to balance your microbiome and support your gut health, addressing the findings mentioned above.

Your recommendations

You can find the key features of your program in your dashboard. These include:

I recommend that you follow this program for 8 - 12 weeks, using the Modified Healthpath plate first, changing gradually to the Healthpath plate from 6-8 weeks onwards.  

I have selected these from our library of evidence-based food plans, designed to improve gut health. This isn’t a prescription, instead the plans should act as a guide.

If you see foods that are a trigger for your symptoms, please feel free to swap them for others and aim to reintroduce later. Learn about our food approach

Additional suggestions 

To understand what else may be contributing to your symptoms, you may like to consider a SIBO breath test or a Gut Health test.  

A SIBO test helps to assess the balance of bacteria in the small bowel, and is particularly helpful if your bloating happens within 1 hour of eating. The Gut Health Test assesses the balance of bacteria in the large bowel. This can offer a deeper dive into the microbial ecosystem and identify any key imbalances that may be contributing to your symptoms. 

Learn about our tests here

Given your history/test results/medications/nature of your symptoms, you may find it beneficial to work with a practitioner. I would recommend **add name** from our team, as they are very experienced with *xxx*. 

Meet our team though, to pick the practitioner that feels right for you. Learn about our consultations here.

What happens next

Grab a cuppa, and take some time to read through your results. Explore the recommendations and resources I’ve provided for you, in your dashboard. This is a great way to set yourself up for success. 

Rest assured, your plan has everything you need to get started. But we’re here to help if you need us.

Register for our support groups, run online, twice a month. 

Learn more about our service and the options available.

I do hope that this proves helpful for you.

As a final point, remember that test results are just one piece of your health puzzle. The best way to feel great is through small, targeted actions—and you have everything you need here to get started.

In health,

Martin Cohen


Important disclaimer: 

While testing can be helpful in finding the underlying reasons for your symptoms, they’re only one part of the picture and we don’t recommend using the results in isolation. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, planning on becoming pregnant, taking medication, or seeking diagnoses for a medical condition, consult with a qualified Functional Medicine practitioner and your local GP.

[is_in_review] => 1 [sku] => TE-BI-LEA-6 [google_description] => [requires_client_weight] => 0 [last_nd_update] => [available_to] => 2 [consultation_type] => [intake_form_type] => 1 [nordic_reference] => [support_provider_id] => [p_barcode] => [p_promo_discount_value] => [subscription_plan_id] => [package_plan] => [upsell_products] => [upsell_test_product] => [replacement_product_id] => [vendor_title] => Biolab Ltd [featured_image_url] => [thumbnail_image_url] => [background_image_url] => [normalized_product_type] => Test [normalized_product_format] => [secondary_image_urls] => [featured_in_image_urls] => [type_label] => Test [bundles] => Array ( ) [vendor] => Array ( [id] => 10 [title] => Biolab Ltd [email] => [website] => [created_at] => 2019-01-21T08:09:05.000000Z [updated_at] => 2021-10-19T16:13:05.000000Z [deleted_at] => [user_id] => 122536e0-1d9b-11e9-802f-3128ce603260 [description] =>

Biolab is one of the leading nutritional biochemistry laboratories. Using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry instruments, they combine the best modern scientific methods and machinery with a holistic understanding of health, to provide the best possible assessment of health to practitioners and their clients.

[shipping_fee] => [min_order_threshold] => [free_shipping_threshold] => [shipping_text] => [commission_percentage] => ) )

Your leaky gut home test includes:

  • Leaky gut permeability profile, analysed by our accredited labs
  • Your bespoke test report with an easy-to-follow health plan
  • Assessment of your test results and symptoms by a qualified practitioner
  • Tailored supplement plan, based on your results and symptom questionnaire
  • Expertly designed leaky gut diet plan and health tips, designed to support your health journey


Array ( [id] => 6 [title] => Array ( [en] => Intestinal Permeability Profile ) [bundle_title] => [lab_reference] => [slug] => leaky-gut-test [featured_image] => products/leaky_gut_test_01_fyDwxrtel.png [product_sheet] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [path] => products_content/leaky_gut_sample_report_healthpath_pro_9wjEQZ7l1.pdf [originalName] => leaky_gut_sample_report_healthpath_pro.pdf [mime] => application/pdf ) ) [short_description] => Array ( [en] => Gain insight into whether you have intestinal permeability with our Leaky Gut Test. ) [long_description] => Array ( [en] =>

Our small intestine has a difficult job. It needs to let certain substances through its walls, but also needs to know when to keep things out (we call this 'selective permeability').

A healthy gut is selectively permeable. An unhealthy gut lets pathogens, undigested food and other unsavoury substances get into the bloodstream. This can lead to inflammation and a whole host of health problems.

For this test, you drink a sugary solution and then collect your urine for six hours afterwards. Through measuring the types of sugar that end up in your urine, we can determine if your gut is more permeable that it should be.  

Based on your results, you’ll receive targeted nutrition and lifestyle advice to enhance your gut integrity—and your health as a whole.

) [price] => 150.00 [original_price] => [sale_price] => [stock] => 999 [internal_stock] => 0 [product_type_id] => 2 [sale_end] => [status] => 0 [discontinued] => 0 [is_featured] => 0 [created_at] => 2018-11-20T15:48:28.000000Z [updated_at] => 2022-05-12T10:55:29.000000Z [deleted_at] => [order] => 9 [price_with_vat] => 150.00 [sale_price_with_vat] => 0.00 [vat] => 0 [price_without_vat] => 150.00 [type] => 1 [vendor_id] => 10 [quick_facts] => [alternate_title] => Here's reminder of what you get [daily_capsules] => [taken_for] => [instructions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [path] => products_content/leaky_gut_instructions_24819_vnbCfl2YI.pdf [originalName] => leaky_gut_instructions_24819.pdf [mime] => application/pdf ) ) [instructions_url] => [background_image] => products/hero_product_bg_ddziwblon_OkE3L2sHY.png [thumbnail_image] => products/kit_leaky_gut_g1fnm60up_55J3aIGGk.png [sku_legacy] => leaky [internal_sku] => [faq] => [wp_url] => [summary] =>

In a healthy person, your guts tightly control what can or can’t come through the intestinal wall. With this condition, the small intestine struggles to close the cell gaps. A lot of different substances come through the intestinal wall, which leads to inflammation - a precursor to all sorts of health conditions.

[prac_summary] => Leaky gut has been described as the gateway to disease, being able to test for this condition and get actionable insights is essential. [is_bundle] => [postage_fee] => 4.20 [vendor_fee] => 70.00 [dashboard_description] =>

Our test uses PEG (polyethylene glycol) and specialist ion exchange chromatography to investigate the presence of intestinal permeability. It helps to confirm if leaky gut is present, and is useful as either a stand-alone test or a follow up to monitor success after following nutritional protocols.

View sample report

Download instructions

[has_visual_result] => 0 [hubspot_id] => 75353322 [collection_center_email] => [external_id] => [external_vendor_id] => [external_vendor_name] => [amrita_external_id] => [external_meta] => [external_type] => [product_subtype_id] => [health_tags] => [warnings] => [ingredients] => [nutrients] => [allergies] => [storage] => [format] => [secondary_images] => [featured_in_images] => [p_supplier_product_id] => [p_supplier_title] => [p_quantity_type_value] => [p_sprinkle_yesno] => [p_vegetarian_yesno] => [p_certglutenfree_yesno] => [p_certvegetarian_yesno] => [p_sample_size] => [p_contains_additives] => [p_directions] => [p_milk_yesno] => [p_cerealgluten_yesno] => [p_wheat_yesno] => [p_soybeans_yesno] => [p_notexceed_yes] => [p_notifsealbroken_yes] => [p_keepoutchildren_yes] => [p_storecool_yesno] => [p_certgmp_yesno] => [p_additives] => [p_format_type_id] => [p_contains_sweeteners] => [p_sweeteners] => [symptoms] => Array ( [0] => Brain fog [1] => Acne [2] => Chronic fatigue [3] => Autoimmune disease [4] => Chronic inflammation [5] => Type 2 diabetes [6] => Liver disease [7] => Poor immunity [8] => Food sensitivities [9] => High alcohol intake [10] => Low fibre diet [11] => Chronic stress [12] => Chronic diarrhoea [13] => Bloating [14] => Fibromyalgia [15] => Nutritional deficiencies [16] => Psoriasis [17] => Mood imbalances [18] => Leaky gut condition ) [turnaround_time] => 10 working days [turnaround_days] => 10 [technology] => PEG ion exchange chromatography [sample_report] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [path] => products_content/leaky_gut_sample_report_healthpath_pro_NFpxeBpoS.pdf [originalName] => leaky_gut_sample_report_healthpath_pro.pdf [mime] => application/pdf ) ) [collection_method] => Urine [collection_method_option] => 2 [markers] => Intestinal Permeability Profile Polyethylene glycol (PEG 400) [how_it_works] => [steps] => Fast for three hours minimum Drink the PEG dose provided in the test kit Collect urine for the following six hours and take a sample using the bottle provided Send the sample to the lab, following the instructions Receive in-depth analysis about intestinal permeability [youtube_tutorial_link] => [vimeo_tutorial_link] => [practitioner_comment_autofill] =>


Congratulations on getting this far. I have reviewed your symptom survey and test results to create your personalised program.

Please read through my commentary below to understand more about your results.

The recommendations I've made will help the x, y, z symptoms, while dealing with any underlying imbalances, via food, lifestyle and supplement changes. 

Your results

Please find your Healthpath Leaky Gut Report attached, and the original results from the laboratory.

Even though these results are negative, I can create a beneficial program for you, based on your symptoms and history. It is designed to balance your microbiome and support your gut health, addressing the findings mentioned above.

Your recommendations

You can find the key features of your program in your dashboard. These include:

I recommend that you follow this program for 8 - 12 weeks, using the Modified Healthpath plate first, changing gradually to the Healthpath plate from 6-8 weeks onwards.  

I have selected these from our library of evidence-based food plans, designed to improve gut health. This isn’t a prescription, instead the plans should act as a guide.

If you see foods that are a trigger for your symptoms, please feel free to swap them for others and aim to reintroduce later. Learn about our food approach

Additional suggestions 

To understand what else may be contributing to your symptoms, you may like to consider a SIBO breath test or a Gut Health test.  

A SIBO test helps to assess the balance of bacteria in the small bowel, and is particularly helpful if your bloating happens within 1 hour of eating. The Gut Health Test assesses the balance of bacteria in the large bowel. This can offer a deeper dive into the microbial ecosystem and identify any key imbalances that may be contributing to your symptoms. 

Learn about our tests here

Given your history/test results/medications/nature of your symptoms, you may find it beneficial to work with a practitioner. I would recommend **add name** from our team, as they are very experienced with *xxx*. 

Meet our team though, to pick the practitioner that feels right for you. Learn about our consultations here.

What happens next

Grab a cuppa, and take some time to read through your results. Explore the recommendations and resources I’ve provided for you, in your dashboard. This is a great way to set yourself up for success. 

Rest assured, your plan has everything you need to get started. But we’re here to help if you need us.

Register for our support groups, run online, twice a month. 

Learn more about our service and the options available.

I do hope that this proves helpful for you.

As a final point, remember that test results are just one piece of your health puzzle. The best way to feel great is through small, targeted actions—and you have everything you need here to get started.

In health,

Martin Cohen


Important disclaimer: 

While testing can be helpful in finding the underlying reasons for your symptoms, they’re only one part of the picture and we don’t recommend using the results in isolation. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, planning on becoming pregnant, taking medication, or seeking diagnoses for a medical condition, consult with a qualified Functional Medicine practitioner and your local GP.

[is_in_review] => 1 [sku] => TE-BI-LEA-6 [google_description] => [requires_client_weight] => 0 [last_nd_update] => [available_to] => 2 [consultation_type] => [intake_form_type] => 1 [nordic_reference] => [support_provider_id] => [p_barcode] => [p_promo_discount_value] => [subscription_plan_id] => [package_plan] => [upsell_products] => [upsell_test_product] => [replacement_product_id] => [vendor_title] => Biolab Ltd [featured_image_url] => [thumbnail_image_url] => [background_image_url] => [normalized_product_type] => Test [normalized_product_format] => [secondary_image_urls] => [featured_in_image_urls] => [type_label] => Test [bundles] => Array ( ) [vendor] => Array ( [id] => 10 [title] => Biolab Ltd [email] => [website] => [created_at] => 2019-01-21T08:09:05.000000Z [updated_at] => 2021-10-19T16:13:05.000000Z [deleted_at] => [user_id] => 122536e0-1d9b-11e9-802f-3128ce603260 [description] =>

Biolab is one of the leading nutritional biochemistry laboratories. Using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry instruments, they combine the best modern scientific methods and machinery with a holistic understanding of health, to provide the best possible assessment of health to practitioners and their clients.

[shipping_fee] => [min_order_threshold] => [free_shipping_threshold] => [shipping_text] => [commission_percentage] => ) )

About the Leaky Gut Test UK


Collection method: Urine

Measures: PEG 400

Turnaround time: 15 working days

For this test, you drink a sugary solution and collect all the urine you pass for six hours afterwards. Through measuring the types of sugar that end up in your urine (each of which have different-sized molecules), we can work out if you if your gut is more permeable than it should be. You’ll then receive personalised diet and lifestyle advice to optimise your gut health.

Leaky gut test kit

Your results

Specific markers

Enjoy insight into your health data with easy-to-understand explanations

Tailored advice

Receive personalised, easy-to-follow recommendations for leaky gut syndrome from our registered practitioners

Extra resources

Benefit from expert guidance: the Healthpath Plate, Fundamentals of Health and Supplement Schedule

Associated symptoms

Chronic diarrhoea
Chronic stress
Chronic fatigue
Autoimmune disease
Type-2 diabetes
Liver disease
Poor immunity
Joint pain
Food sensitivities
Brain fog
High alcohol intake
Low fibre diet
Nutritional deficiencies
Mood imbalances

Or take our free leaky gut symptom checker

How Healthpath works


Get your kit

Order and receive your leaky gut test kit within 3 days. Fill out your symptom survey and tell us more about your health

A home lab test kit


Perform your test

Complete the leaky gut test in the comfort of your own home. Return your sample to the lab using a prepaid envelope

Taking a lab test


Personalised advice

Access your practitioner-reviewed results online. Receive personalised advice, supplement recommendations and extra health resources

Receiving lab test results
add to cart

As seen in


Why Healthpath?

Certified Lab Partners illustration

Industry-leading tests

Our functional leaky gut tests are hand-selected to give you unique and useful insight into your biochemistry

A practitioner giving advice

Personalised advice

All results are reviewed by a registered practitioner, so you receive guidance that’s tailored to you

A demonstration of the extra support Healthpath offers

Ongoing support

From complementary resources to community, we’re there for you on your journey to back to health

Quick tips for leaky gut syndrome

An illustration to demonstrate a specialised diet

Eat whole foods.

Real, unprocessed food is free from the additives that can damage the gut lining.

illustration about relaxation

Take time to relax.

Stress is a known factor in the development of leaky gut.

example test of leaky gut kit

Take a test

This is an easy way to confirm whether leaky gut is playing a part in your symptoms.

Here's what our customers say.

Rated excellent 4.8 on Trustpilot and 4.8 on Google reviews.

Healthpath is an absolute must for anybody suffering from unexplained gut issues. I am only ten days into a two month written program of very clever supplement changes. By having the test I now know who the enemy was instead of guessing.

- Antoni


Registered with

ANP logo
BANT logo

Frequently asked questions

Is leaky gut syndrome a real condition?

Yes. Some degree of intestinal permeability, as it’s technically known, is normal. However, there is robust evidence that some people have guts that are more permeable than they should be [1]. There’s also evidence that increased intestinal permeability can contribute to a number of disease states [2].

Who should take the leaky gut permeability test?

This test is especially helpful for people who suffer from autoimmune conditions, digestive conditions and multiple food sensitivities. However, if you recognise yourself in any of the symptoms listed above, this test may be helpful for you.

Do you ship outside the UK?

At the moment we only ship to UK addresses. If you have a special request, feel free to get in touch.

What’s in the leaky gut permeability test kit?

1 x test instructions sheet
1 x request form
1 x 3g PEG dose
1 x empty sample bottle
1 x plastic postal carrier
1 x return address label

How do I take the leaky gut permeability test?

You can download full instructions here.

Do I need to stop taking supplements or medications before taking the leaky gut permeability test?

The results of this test may be affected by medication containing Movicol (Macrogol), diuretics and the supplement Seven Seas Zinc Plus Vitamin C. However, you must not stop any medication in order to take this test. Please speak to your GP first.

Is there anything I need to do before taking the leaky gut permeability test?

You must fast for at least 3 hours before taking the test. For this reason, most people find it easiest to take the test first thing on waking. The whole testing process takes 6 hours, so you’ll need to make sure you can fit it into your day. For more information, you can download the test instructions here.

What should I do if I have a question or an issue with taking my sample?

If you have any questions or issues with taking your sample according to the instructions provided, it is important you contact us before you send your sample to the lab.

Healthpath cannot guarantee to intercept your sample once it arrives at the lab and so it may still be processed.

Contact us on

Is there anyone who shouldn’t take the leaky gut permeability test?

You should not take this test if you’re suffering from diarrhoea or gastroenteritis. Wait until your digestion is normal before taking the test.

How long will it take to get my results?

Your results will be posted on your online account 10 days after the lab receives your sample. You’ll receive an email notification when your results are ready.

How do I view my results?

Simply log in to your Healthpath account here and click ‘Tests’. You’ll be able to access your results and personalised recommendations 10 days after returning your samples (sometimes sooner).

Why can’t I get the leaky gut permeability test through my GP?

Functional tests are highly specialised and currently not offered through the NHS. At present, the only option is to pay for them privately. We appreciate you want to spend your money wisely, which is why we only offer tests that are genuinely helpful.

How will I know what my results mean?

All your results data is accompanied by clear, jargon-free explanations. Our practitioners also review all results, providing personalised recommendations that are easy-to-follow and specific to you.

Can I buy a test for my child?

We do offer tests for children, but it’s important you work with a practitioner experienced in working with children.

Personalised, 1 to 1 support with a practitioner is safer and more effective when analysing test results for children and providing appropriate advice.

It is important to reach out to our team to discuss the test before you purchase.

Read about testing for children

Contact customer services

Can I claim the cost of the test on my private health insurance?

It’s possible, though you’ll need to check the details of your insurance to see what’s included.

Want to read more about Leaky Gut Syndrome?