[id] => 18194
[title] => Array
[en] => Awaken Tea 75g
[bundle_title] =>
[lab_reference] =>
[slug] => ashwaganda-supreme
[featured_image] => products/awaken_tea_llb_01.webp
[product_sheet] => Array
[short_description] => Array
[en] => Awaken is a fresh, ‘green’ tasting blend, with mint and citrus notes. This blend contains traditional detoxifying herbs that make it an ideal morning brew, that uplifts and shakes off a sluggish start.
[long_description] => Array
[en] =>
Awaken is a fresh, ‘green’ tasting blend, with mint and citrus notes. This blend contains traditional detoxifying herbs that make it an ideal morning brew, that uplifts and shakes off a sluggish start.
[price] => 14.15
[original_price] =>
[sale_price] =>
[stock] => 10
[internal_stock] => 0
[product_type_id] => 4
[sale_end] =>
[status] => 0
[discontinued] => 0
[is_featured] => 0
[created_at] => 2022-04-29T11:26:58.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2023-08-23T13:39:18.000000Z
[deleted_at] =>
[order] => 21
[price_with_vat] => 14.15
[sale_price_with_vat] => 0.00
[vat] => 20
[price_without_vat] => 11.32
[type] => 3
[vendor_id] => 12
[quick_facts] =>
Awaken Tea by Little Libra Botanicals – Supports healthy detoxification
[alternate_title] => Hand-selected for you
[daily_capsules] =>
[taken_for] =>
[instructions] => Array
[instructions_url] =>
[background_image] => products/hero_background_01_3_US8QtzpKa.svg
[thumbnail_image] => products/awaken_tea_llb_01.webp
[sku_legacy] => 9c81e967-da28-4118-9738-a58c3444e600
[internal_sku] =>
[faq] =>
[wp_url] =>
[summary] =>
[prac_summary] =>
[is_bundle] =>
[postage_fee] => 0.00
[vendor_fee] => 0.00
[dashboard_description] =>
Awaken is a fresh, ‘green’ tasting blend, with mint and citrus notes. This blend contains traditional detoxifying herbs that make it an ideal morning brew, that uplifts and shakes off a sluggish start.
[has_visual_result] => 0
[hubspot_id] => 1435139458
[collection_center_email] =>
[external_id] =>
[external_vendor_id] =>
[external_vendor_name] => Little Libra Botanicals
[amrita_external_id] =>
[external_meta] =>
[external_type] =>
[product_subtype_id] => 25
[health_tags] => Array
[0] => Detox
[warnings] =>
- Allergen advice: Due to the way our blends are prepared it is not possible to guarantee the absence of allergens in our products.
- If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or suffer from any existing medical conditions, please seek medical advice before drinking this tea.
[ingredients] =>
- Dandelion Leaf (20%)
- Nettle Leaf (20%)
- Peppermint (17%)
- Fennel Seed (17%)
- Lemon Verbena (17%)
- Passionflower (9%)
[nutrients] =>
Dandelion Leaf (20%), Nettle Leaf (20%), Peppermint (17%), Fennel Seed (17%), Lemon Verbena (17%), Passionflower (9%)
[allergies] =>
May contain: Celery, Mustard, Nuts and Sesame Seeds
[storage] =>
[format] => Loose leaf herbal infusion
[secondary_images] =>
[featured_in_images] =>
[p_supplier_product_id] =>
[p_supplier_title] =>
[p_quantity_type_value] =>
[p_sprinkle_yesno] =>
[p_vegetarian_yesno] =>
[p_certglutenfree_yesno] =>
[p_certvegetarian_yesno] =>
[p_sample_size] =>
[p_contains_additives] =>
[p_directions] => 1 heaped tsp per cup and infuse in boiling water (100 c) for 5-10 mins.
[p_milk_yesno] =>
[p_cerealgluten_yesno] =>
[p_wheat_yesno] =>
[p_soybeans_yesno] =>
[p_notexceed_yes] =>
[p_notifsealbroken_yes] =>
[p_keepoutchildren_yes] =>
[p_storecool_yesno] =>
[p_certgmp_yesno] =>
[p_additives] =>
[p_format_type_id] =>
[p_contains_sweeteners] =>
[p_sweeteners] =>
[symptoms] => Array
[0] =>
[turnaround_time] =>
[turnaround_days] =>
[technology] =>
[sample_report] =>
[collection_method] =>
[collection_method_option] =>
[markers] =>
[how_it_works] =>
[steps] =>
[youtube_tutorial_link] =>
[vimeo_tutorial_link] =>
[practitioner_comment_autofill] =>
[is_in_review] => 1
[sku] => SU-AM-SET-18194
[google_description] => Awaken is a fresh, ‘green’ tasting blend, with mint and citrus notes. This blend contains traditional detoxifying herbs that make it an ideal morning brew, that uplifts and shakes off a sluggish start.
[requires_client_weight] => 0
[last_nd_update] =>
[available_to] => 1
[consultation_type] =>
[intake_form_type] => 1
[nordic_reference] =>
[support_provider_id] =>
[p_barcode] =>
[p_promo_discount_value] =>
[subscription_plan_id] =>
[package_plan] =>
[upsell_products] =>
[upsell_test_product] =>
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[vendor_title] => Little Libra Botanicals
[featured_image_url] =>
[thumbnail_image_url] =>
[background_image_url] =>
[normalized_product_type] => Supplement
[normalized_product_format] => Loose leaf herbal infusion
[secondary_image_urls] =>
[featured_in_image_urls] =>
[type_label] => Supplement
[bundles] => Array