[id] => 59
[title] => Array
[en] => Activated Charcoal
[bundle_title] =>
[lab_reference] =>
[slug] => activated-charcoal
[featured_image] => products/ac56_09Hwneme7.jpg
[product_sheet] => Array
[short_description] => Array
[en] => 100 Capsules
[long_description] => Array
[en] =>
Activated Charcoal is highly porous and is designed to adsorb unwanted substances‚ carrying them out of the digestive system. The recommended supply in this product may differ based on your practitioner's recommendations.
[price] => 21.05
[original_price] =>
[sale_price] =>
[stock] => 10
[product_type_id] => 4
[sale_end] =>
[status] => 1
[discontinued] => 0
[is_featured] => 0
[created_at] => 2019-04-21T05:41:36.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2024-03-05T10:05:48.000000Z
[deleted_at] =>
[order] => 56
[price_with_vat] => 21.05
[sale_price_with_vat] => 0.00
[vat] => 20
[price_without_vat] => 16.84
[type] => 3
[vendor_id] => 12
[quick_facts] =>
Activated Charcoal by Integrative Therapeutics
[alternate_title] => You hand-selected supplements
[daily_capsules] =>
[taken_for] =>
[instructions] => Array
[instructions_url] =>
[background_image] => products/hero_background_01_7_HVWSCwtv2.svg
[thumbnail_image] => products/ac56_thumbnail_9h22OyV0f.jpg
[sku_legacy] => 59
[faq] =>
[wp_url] =>
[summary] =>
[prac_summary] =>
[is_bundle] =>
[postage_fee] => 0.00
[vendor_fee] => 0.00
[dashboard_description] =>
Activated Charcoal is highly porous and is designed to adsorb unwanted substances‚ carrying them out of the digestive system. The recommended supply in this product may differ based on your practitioner's recommendations.
[has_visual_result] => 0
[hubspot_id] => 75353905
[collection_center_email] =>
[external_id] =>
[external_vendor_id] =>
[external_vendor_name] => Integrative Therapeutics
[amrita_external_id] =>
[external_meta] =>
[external_type] =>
[product_subtype_id] => 42
[health_tags] => Array
[0] => Detox
[warnings] =>
[ingredients] =>
[nutrients] =>
Amount Per Serving |
% Daily Value |
Charcoal |
560mg |
* |
* Daily Value not established. |
[allergies] =>
[storage] =>
[format] => 100 Capsules
[secondary_images] =>
[featured_in_images] =>
[p_supplier_product_id] =>
[p_supplier_title] =>
[p_quantity_type_value] =>
[p_sprinkle_yesno] =>
[p_vegetarian_yesno] =>
[p_certglutenfree_yesno] =>
[p_certvegetarian_yesno] =>
[p_sample_size] =>
[p_contains_additives] =>
[p_directions] => Take as recommended by your healthcare professional.
[p_milk_yesno] =>
[p_cerealgluten_yesno] =>
[p_wheat_yesno] =>
[p_soybeans_yesno] =>
[p_notexceed_yes] =>
[p_notifsealbroken_yes] =>
[p_keepoutchildren_yes] =>
[p_storecool_yesno] =>
[p_certgmp_yesno] =>
[p_additives] =>
[p_format_type_id] =>
[p_contains_sweeteners] =>
[p_sweeteners] =>
[symptoms] => Array
[0] => Heavy metals
[turnaround_time] =>
[turnaround_days] =>
[technology] =>
[sample_report] =>
[collection_method] =>
[collection_method_option] =>
[markers] =>
[how_it_works] =>
[steps] =>
[youtube_tutorial_link] =>
[vimeo_tutorial_link] =>
[practitioner_comment_autofill] =>
[is_in_review] => 1
[sku] => SU-AM-ACT-59
[google_description] =>
[requires_client_weight] => 0
[last_nd_update] =>
[available_to] => 1
[consultation_type] =>
[intake_form_type] => 1
[nordic_reference] =>
[support_provider_id] =>
[p_barcode] =>
[p_promo_discount_value] =>
[subscription_plan_id] =>
[package_plan] =>
[upsell_products] =>
[upsell_test_product] =>
[vendor_title] => Integrative Therapeutics
[featured_image_url] =>
[thumbnail_image_url] =>
[background_image_url] =>
[normalized_product_type] => Supplement
[normalized_product_format] => 100 Capsules
[secondary_image_urls] =>
[featured_in_image_urls] =>
[type_label] => Supplement
[bundles] => Array