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More than 8 million people in the UK suffer from some sort of anxiety.
Anxiety means different things to different people. Common signs include constant nervousness, worry, fear, irritability, sleep disturbances and a general sense of apprehension. Broadly speaking, it feels like lack of control over an uncertain outcome.
A certain amount of anxiety is simply part of being human. But when you’re anxious most of the time, it can be a sign that something in the body is out of balance.
Lots of things can contribute to anxiety:
This enables bacteria and other toxins to leak into your bloodstream. The resulting immune reaction and inflammation can leave you feeling anxious.
This powerful stimulant increases your stress hormones, leaving you feeling anxious.
This can cause a blood-sugar high and then a crash, contributing to anxiety.
These can cause inflammation in your gut, leading to anxiety via the gut-brain axis.
Our gut bacteria constantly talk to our brain, and can profoundly affect our mood.
This is a condition in which you have too much thyroid hormone available. It causes everything to speed up, making you feel anxious.
These three simple steps may help to reduce your anxiety:
Too much caffeine can put you into a state of ‘fight or flight’, increasing feelings of anxiety. How many cups of coffee or tea are you drinking daily? Try cutting down.
Food that quickly raises your blood sugar creates a roller-coaster effect, dramatically influencing your emotions. Reduce sweet and starchy foods, and fill up on protein instead.
Studies show that mindfulness—being present in the moment—can help to alleviate anxiety.
Here’s where Healthpath can help:
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Anxiety is associated with other conditions: