[id] => 43
[title] => Array
[en] => ProBiota Immune
[bundle_title] =>
[lab_reference] =>
[slug] => probiota-immune
[featured_image] => products/probiota_immune_1_NV5iL08D5.jpg
[product_sheet] => Array
[short_description] => Array
[en] => 60 Capsules
[long_description] => Array
[en] =>
ProBiota Immune Capsules by Seeking Health provide a blend of two well-researched prebiotic fibres, galactooligosaccharides (GOS) and beta-glucan, to help support the growth of beneficial microflora by providing nourishment to Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. The human intestines are home to hundreds of different kinds of bacteria, known as “probiotics,” which help to support healthy digestion. Prebiotics such as GOS and beta-glucan help to nourish these probiotic organisms and also contribute to soluble fibre intake. The recommended supply in this product may differ based on your practitioner's recommendations.
[price] => 24.85
[original_price] =>
[sale_price] =>
[stock] => 10
[product_type_id] => 4
[sale_end] =>
[status] => 0
[discontinued] => 0
[is_featured] => 0
[created_at] => 2019-04-10T03:41:34.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2023-10-17T13:22:54.000000Z
[deleted_at] =>
[order] => 40
[price_with_vat] => 24.85
[sale_price_with_vat] => 0.00
[vat] => 20
[price_without_vat] => 19.88
[type] => 3
[vendor_id] => 12
[quick_facts] =>
Probiota Immune Seeking Health
[alternate_title] => Your hand-selected supplements
[daily_capsules] =>
[taken_for] =>
[instructions] => Array
[instructions_url] =>
[background_image] => products/hero_background_01_7_goBs4nZtL.svg
[thumbnail_image] => products/probiota_immune_1_thumbnail_kHurh7j8B.jpg
[sku_legacy] => 43
[faq] =>
[wp_url] =>
[summary] =>
[prac_summary] =>
[is_bundle] =>
[postage_fee] => 0.00
[vendor_fee] => 0.00
[dashboard_description] =>
ProBiota Immune Capsules by Seeking Health provide a blend of two well-researched prebiotic fibres, galactooligosaccharides (GOS) and beta-glucan, to help support the growth of beneficial microflora by providing nourishment to Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli. The human intestines are home to hundreds of different kinds of bacteria, known as “probiotics,” which help to support healthy digestion. Prebiotics such as GOS and beta-glucan help to nourish these probiotic organisms and also contribute to soluble fibre intake. The recommended supply in this product may differ based on your practitioner's recommendations.
[has_visual_result] => 0
[hubspot_id] => 74910977
[collection_center_email] =>
[external_id] =>
[external_vendor_id] =>
[external_vendor_name] => Seeking Health
[amrita_external_id] =>
[external_meta] =>
[external_type] =>
[product_subtype_id] => 14
[health_tags] => Array
[0] => Digestive
[warnings] =>
[ingredients] =>
[nutrients] =>
Amount Per Serving |
Per Serving |
Probiotic Blend:
Galactooligosaccharides (natural, allergen-free)
Beta-Glucan (purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae) |
550 mg |
[allergies] =>
[storage] =>
[format] => 60 Capsules
[secondary_images] =>
[featured_in_images] =>
[p_supplier_product_id] =>
[p_supplier_title] =>
[p_quantity_type_value] =>
[p_sprinkle_yesno] =>
[p_vegetarian_yesno] =>
[p_certglutenfree_yesno] =>
[p_certvegetarian_yesno] =>
[p_sample_size] =>
[p_contains_additives] =>
[p_directions] => Take 1 capsule twice daily or as directed by your healthcare professional. Capsules may be pulled apart and nutrients taken separately.
[p_milk_yesno] =>
[p_cerealgluten_yesno] =>
[p_wheat_yesno] =>
[p_soybeans_yesno] =>
[p_notexceed_yes] =>
[p_notifsealbroken_yes] =>
[p_keepoutchildren_yes] =>
[p_storecool_yesno] =>
[p_certgmp_yesno] =>
[p_additives] =>
[p_format_type_id] =>
[p_contains_sweeteners] =>
[p_sweeteners] =>
[symptoms] => Array
[0] => Bloating
[1] => IBS
[2] => SIBO
[3] => Cramps
[turnaround_time] =>
[turnaround_days] =>
[technology] =>
[sample_report] =>
[collection_method] =>
[collection_method_option] =>
[markers] =>
[how_it_works] =>
[steps] =>
[youtube_tutorial_link] =>
[vimeo_tutorial_link] =>
[practitioner_comment_autofill] =>
[is_in_review] => 1
[sku] => SU-AM-PRO-43
[google_description] =>
[requires_client_weight] => 0
[last_nd_update] =>
[available_to] => 1
[consultation_type] =>
[intake_form_type] => 1
[nordic_reference] =>
[support_provider_id] =>
[p_barcode] =>
[p_promo_discount_value] =>
[subscription_plan_id] =>
[package_plan] =>
[upsell_products] =>
[upsell_test_product] =>
[vendor_title] => Seeking Health
[featured_image_url] =>
[thumbnail_image_url] =>
[background_image_url] =>
[normalized_product_type] => Supplement
[normalized_product_format] => 60 Capsules
[secondary_image_urls] =>
[featured_in_image_urls] =>
[type_label] => Supplement
[bundles] => Array