[id] => 30
[title] => Array
[en] => Ideal Bowel Support
[bundle_title] =>
[lab_reference] =>
[slug] => ideal-bowel-support
[featured_image] => products/jaw_18_ideal_bowel_support.png
[product_sheet] => Array
[short_description] => Array
[en] => 30 Capsules
[long_description] => Array
[en] =>
Ideal Bowel Support® 299v™ contains a clinically documented human origin probiotic strain, L. plantarum 299v, that resists stomach acid and bile salts and demonstrated specific adherence properties for colonization of human intestinal mucosa. L. plantarum 299v has been used in human clinical studies for intestinal health and function. Each capsule contains a minimum of 10 billion L. plantarum 299v viable cells. The recommended supply in this product may differ based on your practitioner's recommendations.
[price] => 37.74
[original_price] =>
[sale_price] =>
[stock] => 10
[product_type_id] => 4
[sale_end] =>
[status] => 1
[discontinued] => 0
[is_featured] => 0
[created_at] => 2019-04-02T03:41:27.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2024-06-05T16:29:49.000000Z
[deleted_at] =>
[order] => 26
[price_with_vat] => 37.74
[sale_price_with_vat] => 0.00
[vat] => 20
[price_without_vat] => 30.19
[type] => 3
[vendor_id] => 12
[quick_facts] =>
Ideal Bowel Support by Jarrow Formulas
[alternate_title] => Your hand-selected supplements
[daily_capsules] =>
[taken_for] =>
[instructions] => Array
[instructions_url] =>
[background_image] => products/hero_background_01_4_xD6uLHdv6.svg
[thumbnail_image] => products/jaw_18_ideal_bowel_support.png
[sku_legacy] => 30
[faq] =>
[wp_url] =>
[summary] =>
[prac_summary] =>
[is_bundle] =>
[postage_fee] => 0.00
[vendor_fee] => 0.00
[dashboard_description] =>
Ideal Bowel Support® 299v™ contains a clinically documented human origin probiotic strain, L. plantarum 299v, that resists stomach acid and bile salts and demonstrated specific adherence properties for colonization of human intestinal mucosa. L. plantarum 299v has been used in human clinical studies for intestinal health and function. Each capsule contains a minimum of 10 billion L. plantarum 299v viable cells. The recommended supply in this product may differ based on your practitioner's recommendations.
[has_visual_result] => 0
[hubspot_id] => 75348996
[collection_center_email] =>
[external_id] =>
[external_vendor_id] =>
[external_vendor_name] => Amrita Nutrition
[amrita_external_id] =>
[external_meta] =>
[external_type] =>
[product_subtype_id] =>
[health_tags] => Array
[0] =>
[warnings] =>
[ingredients] =>
[nutrients] =>
Amount Per Serving |
%Daily Value |
Lactobacillus plantarum 299v |
10 billion viable cells |
* |
Potato starch |
Magnesium stearate
Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (capsule) |
Free from: Dairy, Egg, Fish, Gluten, Nuts, Shellfish
[allergies] =>
[storage] =>
[format] => 30 Capsules
[secondary_images] =>
[featured_in_images] =>
[p_supplier_product_id] =>
[p_supplier_title] =>
[p_quantity_type_value] =>
[p_sprinkle_yesno] =>
[p_vegetarian_yesno] =>
[p_certglutenfree_yesno] =>
[p_certvegetarian_yesno] =>
[p_sample_size] =>
[p_contains_additives] =>
[p_directions] => 1 capsule, 1 or 2 times per day or as directed by your healthcare professional.
[p_milk_yesno] =>
[p_cerealgluten_yesno] =>
[p_wheat_yesno] =>
[p_soybeans_yesno] =>
[p_notexceed_yes] =>
[p_notifsealbroken_yes] =>
[p_keepoutchildren_yes] =>
[p_storecool_yesno] =>
[p_certgmp_yesno] =>
[p_additives] =>
[p_format_type_id] =>
[p_contains_sweeteners] =>
[p_sweeteners] =>
[symptoms] => Array
[0] =>
[turnaround_time] =>
[turnaround_days] =>
[technology] =>
[sample_report] =>
[collection_method] =>
[collection_method_option] =>
[markers] =>
[how_it_works] =>
[steps] =>
[youtube_tutorial_link] =>
[vimeo_tutorial_link] =>
[practitioner_comment_autofill] =>
[is_in_review] => 1
[sku] => SU-AM-IDE-30
[google_description] =>
[requires_client_weight] => 0
[last_nd_update] =>
[available_to] => 1
[consultation_type] =>
[intake_form_type] => 1
[nordic_reference] =>
[support_provider_id] =>
[p_barcode] =>
[p_promo_discount_value] =>
[subscription_plan_id] =>
[package_plan] =>
[upsell_products] =>
[upsell_test_product] =>
[vendor_title] => Amrita Nutrition
[featured_image_url] =>
[thumbnail_image_url] =>
[background_image_url] =>
[normalized_product_type] => Supplement
[normalized_product_format] => 30 Capsules
[secondary_image_urls] =>
[featured_in_image_urls] =>
[type_label] => Supplement
[bundles] => Array