[id] => 42
[title] => Array
[en] => Clinical GI
[bundle_title] =>
[lab_reference] =>
[slug] => clinical-gi
[featured_image] => products/2919_v5_QwotZJeji.jpg
[product_sheet] => Array
[short_description] => Array
[en] => 60 Capsules
[long_description] => Array
[en] =>
As we age, the number of healthy organisms in the large intestine start to decline, which influences both immune function and digestive health. This product utilizes bacterial strains known to colonize the human GI tract and features Bifidobacterium lactis HNO19. Clinical studies have demonstrated that HNO19 supports digestive regularity and promotes normal immune system function in healthy adults over age 50. The recommended supply in this product may differ based on your practitioner's recommendations.
[price] => 30.91
[original_price] =>
[sale_price] =>
[stock] => 10
[product_type_id] => 4
[sale_end] =>
[status] => 1
[discontinued] => 0
[is_featured] => 0
[created_at] => 2019-04-10T03:33:47.000000Z
[updated_at] => 2023-12-14T11:44:11.000000Z
[deleted_at] =>
[order] => 39
[price_with_vat] => 30.91
[sale_price_with_vat] => 0.00
[vat] => 20
[price_without_vat] => 24.73
[type] => 3
[vendor_id] => 12
[quick_facts] =>
Clinical GI Probiotic - 60 vCapsules
[alternate_title] => You hand-selected supplements
[daily_capsules] =>
[taken_for] =>
[instructions] => Array
[instructions_url] =>
[background_image] => products/hero_background_01_7_PyQbGmVAJ.svg
[thumbnail_image] => products/2919_v5_thumbnail_3Xqvfsn4o.jpg
[sku_legacy] => 42
[faq] =>
[wp_url] =>
[summary] =>
[prac_summary] =>
[is_bundle] =>
[postage_fee] => 0.00
[vendor_fee] => 0.00
[dashboard_description] =>
As we age, the number of healthy organisms in the large intestine start to decline, which influences both immune function and digestive health. This product utilizes bacterial strains known to colonize the human GI tract and features Bifidobacterium lactis HNO19. Clinical studies have demonstrated that HNO19 supports digestive regularity and promotes normal immune system function in healthy adults over age 50. The recommended supply in this product may differ based on your practitioner's recommendations.
[has_visual_result] => 0
[hubspot_id] => 74779266
[collection_center_email] =>
[external_id] =>
[external_vendor_id] =>
[external_vendor_name] => Now
[amrita_external_id] =>
[external_meta] =>
[external_type] =>
[product_subtype_id] => 14
[health_tags] => Array
[0] => Digestive
[warnings] =>
[ingredients] =>
[nutrients] =>
Amount Per Serving |
%Daily Value |
Blend of Probiotic Bacteria
Bifidobacterium lactis HNO19 (predominant strain), plus 8 strains; Lactobacillus acidophilus (La-14), Bifidobacterium lactis (BI-04), Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Lr-32), Lactobacillus salivarius (Ls-33), Lactobacillus casei (Lc-11), Streptococcus thermophilus (St-21), Bifidobacterium longum (Bl-05), Bifidobacterium bifidum/Bifidobacterium lactis (Bb02) |
20 Billion CFU |
[allergies] =>
[storage] =>
[format] => 60 Capsules
[secondary_images] =>
[featured_in_images] =>
[p_supplier_product_id] =>
[p_supplier_title] =>
[p_quantity_type_value] =>
[p_sprinkle_yesno] =>
[p_vegetarian_yesno] =>
[p_certglutenfree_yesno] =>
[p_certvegetarian_yesno] =>
[p_sample_size] =>
[p_contains_additives] =>
[p_directions] => Take 1-2 capsules 1 to 2 times daily, or as directed by your healthcare professional. Shelf-stable. After opening refrigerate to extend potency.
[p_milk_yesno] =>
[p_cerealgluten_yesno] =>
[p_wheat_yesno] =>
[p_soybeans_yesno] =>
[p_notexceed_yes] =>
[p_notifsealbroken_yes] =>
[p_keepoutchildren_yes] =>
[p_storecool_yesno] =>
[p_certgmp_yesno] =>
[p_additives] =>
[p_format_type_id] =>
[p_contains_sweeteners] =>
[p_sweeteners] =>
[symptoms] => Array
[0] => Allergies
[1] => Bloating
[2] => Cramps
[3] => SIBO
[4] => IBS
[turnaround_time] =>
[turnaround_days] =>
[technology] =>
[sample_report] =>
[collection_method] =>
[collection_method_option] =>
[markers] =>
[how_it_works] =>
[steps] =>
[youtube_tutorial_link] =>
[vimeo_tutorial_link] =>
[practitioner_comment_autofill] =>
[is_in_review] => 1
[sku] => SU-AM-CLI-42
[google_description] =>
[requires_client_weight] => 0
[last_nd_update] =>
[available_to] => 1
[consultation_type] =>
[intake_form_type] => 1
[nordic_reference] =>
[support_provider_id] =>
[p_barcode] =>
[p_promo_discount_value] =>
[subscription_plan_id] =>
[package_plan] =>
[upsell_products] =>
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[vendor_title] => Now
[featured_image_url] =>
[thumbnail_image_url] =>
[background_image_url] =>
[normalized_product_type] => Supplement
[normalized_product_format] => 60 Capsules
[secondary_image_urls] =>
[featured_in_image_urls] =>
[type_label] => Supplement
[bundles] => Array