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Belle Amatt

Registered Nutritional Therapist

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Belle Amatt BA, BSc Nutritional Medicine, mBANT, CNHC and ANP is a Registered Nutritional Therapist specialising in longevity, stress-induced illness and gut health.

With over ten years of experience supporting clients on their health journeys, Belle believes that many 21st century health conditions are driven by stress, poor gut health or a combination of the two.

With a background in education, Belle blends sound nutritional knowledge with an empowering and motivating approach to food and lifestyle education. She continues to lecture on a part-time basis at the College of Naturopathic Medicine on the Diploma of Nutritional Therapy programme, teaching courses on detoxification and the gut-brain connection.

It is Belle’s ultimate aim to give all of her clients the greatest potential for longevity by exploring the driving factors behind their health conditions.

Specialising in

As a Registered Nutritional Therapist, Belle works with all health conditions but specialises in the following:

Longevity and anti-aging

Studies suggest genetics only account for approximately 20 to 30 percent of an individual's chance of surviving to 85. Lifestyle choices, including diet, exercise and stress resilience, play an undisputed role in determining not only the length of our lives, but also how well we age.

Gut health

Restoring gut health can be life changing. How we digest, breakdown and absorb nutrients has a widespread effect on both our mental and physical health, now and in future years.


The impact of stress on our bodies can drive a host of diverse symptoms from reduced sleep quality, weight changes and poor digestion to muscular aches and pain. Restoring stress resilience can be incredibly powerful for both mental and physical health conditions.

Success stories

“Belle’s care, diligence and clinical detail in helping resolve my gut issues have been amazing. On her advice I took a full spectrum gut test which targeted the cause of my gut issues and enabled a speedy resolution to be found. My thinking was that we readily pay for a car service each year, so why not service our bodies properly? In under three months my gut health has improved 75 percent and I anticipate full recovery within six months."


“I sought Belle’s help as, due to ongoing stress I was feeling bloated, uncomfortable and a bit out of control. Since finishing the cleanse I’ve stayed alcohol free and have lost over a stone in weight overall!”


“Last year, I started to have issues with my stomach, feeling very unwell, nauseous and at times in lots of pain. I’d lost about a stone in weight. Using a gut function test Belle identified ‘leaky gut syndrome’, and with lots of nutritional advice and a sensible timetable of eating, together with various supplements I am now feeling well again. My energy levels and attitude have also improved."
